Can you believe that an ancient language like Sanskrit can be used as a programming language in the field of computer science?

The answer is yes. According to the research, NASA claims that Sanskrit is the most suitable language to develop computer programming for their Artificial Intelligence program. Sanskrit has always been a popular language in intellectual communities.


About the language:-

Sanskrit is the most sacred language of Hinduism, in simple words, we can say that all the philosophical documents of Hinduism are written in Sanskrit such as Rigveda (the oldest and the longest written Veda), Upanishads ( a group of writings in Hinduism concerning the relations of humans, god, and universe), and many manuscripts also.

The writing system used for Sanskrit is devnagri because, in the Indian languages, the proper pronunciation of the words is essential. The father of the Sanskrit language is believed to be Panini, it is thought that he created the Sanskrit language between the 6th and 4th century BCE.

Sanskrit actually belongs to the Indo-European family of languages. It is one of the three earliest ancient documented languages that arose from a common root language. The closest ancient relatives of the Vedic Sanskrit are Nuristani languages as well as the Avestan and Old Persian-both are Iranian languages.

Adoption of Sanskrit by NASA:-

The relationship between NASA and Sanskrit is not new, it actually begins in 1985 when a NASA associate scientist published a research paper on the topic of the use of natural languages in Artificial Intelligence. The name of the scientist was Rick Briggs, who submitted his research entitled Vedic Science- 'Knowledge representation in Sanskrit and Artificial Intelligence.'

The article argued that natural languages like Sanskrit are the best option to be converted into a computer program. NASA has been researching this topic for decades now, but the official results are yet to announce, so much money and time has been invested, but research like this takes time.

Currently, NASA is also working on Artificial Intelligence for space communication which is clear proof that the topic of the use of natural languages in AI programs is still going on. According to NASA, Sanskrit being the scientific language for programming can transform the way AI and machine learning works. 

Students take on Sanskrit:-

Students of various universities such as St. Michaels College have said that Sanskrit is a very computational language because it contains lots of syntaxes which is the basic structure of any computer language. Classical Sanskrit itself is a very engineered language.

Many students find Sanskrit difficult to understand because of its grammar which is too difficult to understand in the beginning. The strict grammatical rules of Sanskrit align well with the goal of a programming language. It has an algorithmic foundation that can help in the logic building of any programming problem.

The language is rigid and the words in Sanskrit do not have multiple meanings, which will eventually reduce ambiguity in any AI program. Especially, in Natural Language Processing (NLP), this feature can help a lot in making Chatbots and machine translation programs.

Challenges for computer language conversion:-

Despite positive outcomes, there are so many challenges that programmers and computer scientists are facing while converting natural languages into programming languages. Problems like ambiguity in the words when they are translated from one language to another, and sarcastic statements are hard to interpret in different languages.

In making AI programs like Chatbots, natural language processing is one of the crucial steps which can make or break our chatbot, so rigidness in the language is very important otherwise it will not work as efficiently as we want.

My Take:-

All the research that is going on related to the conversion of natural language into a programming language is an indicator that we are going back to our roots, which is crucial in building a great future.

Many challenges are being faced, but our main goal should be always to preserve our heritage and use it for the betterment of our human society.  

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